It’s been a while in the making, and we are super excited to introduce the latest addition to our range of essentials….luxurious, bamboo toilet paper!
Born from a desire to bring more earthy designs and tones into our bathrooms, we have 6 nature-inspired prints that will make your loo really stand out!
Thanks to the pandemic, we all know how important essentials are to keep well stocked. With 48 double length (370 sheets) rolls of 3-ply TP in a carton, you will be able to relax knowing you have many months before needing to THINK about toilet paper again. And forget about carting home big bags from the supermarket – that’s SOO pre-pandemic.
We know you want softness for your family, just like our nappies. Bamboo is the only solution for softness, and we also ensured it was sourced from FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified sources, helping to create a sustainable future for our kids. With a slight texture to it and free of harmful chemicals, we hope our TP ticks all your boxes!
It’s still early days and we are trying to figure out ways to bring our rather bulky cartons of TP to as many of you as we can, as affordably as possible. For now we can only offer free shipping to metro areas in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Other areas have a charge for shipping, but we hope to bring these down in future.
We hope you enjoy our forest-loving subscription toilet paper and enjoy the convenience of adding another essential product to your Joonya subscriptions. And toilet training your kids doesn’t have to mean its goodbye to Joonya : )
Yours in thoughtful wiping,
Team Joonya