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Joonya blog - Pros & cons of starting a business…
Joonya blog - Pros & cons of starting a business…

Pros & cons of starting a business…

We often get asked how we find life with our third baby, lovingly known as Joonya. Starting a business has many upsides, but with all upsides comes downsides. I’ve found it an interesting exercise to list the pros and cons of starting a business.

Some of you with your own business will instantly recognise these, while others considering ‘starting up’ in the future should read carefully!

The Pro

Flexible work routine means you can work when you want, where you want. Work from a ski resort, or in Bali – yay!

The Con

Almost impossible to completely relax when the orders and questions are coming in 24/7. In the ski resort analogy, you are focusing on some stress inducing work issue rather than the glorious powder snow that fell overnight.

The Pro

You cannot be made redundant if you own the business – redundancy happened to me more than once!

The Con

Any previous career is likely over as your previous experience becomes a distant memory and you are “all in” on this entrepreneur thing.

The Pro

You don’t have to hang out with those uber boring colleagues you never liked seeing every day because you had no friggin choice.

The Con

You crave other human company and meaningful interactions.

The Pro

Learning useful skills that can be transferred to another business should your current venture go under.

The Con

Potential for your business to crash and burn at any stage due to some unforeseen event.

The Pro

Being the only cog in a wheel where if you go down, the ship goes down with you. A broad range of skills also known as “jack of all, master of none”.

The Con

Being a small cog in a big wheel with a narrow job description.

The Pro

Seeing lots of your family – at least while the working from home thing exists in the early years. Not a moment missed in your children’s lives!

The Con

Seeing too much of your family. Need I say more? Crying children and work can produce reactions that are quite simply “not justified”.

The Pro

The potential to make more money than you would in a career – at some stage “down the track”.

The Con

Saving next to nothing in the early years while everything you make gets plowed back into the business. High risk of losing everything you’ve worked hard to save. Making big sacrifices including fewer holidays, or renting instead of owning a home.

The Pro

A comforting routine in your previous career that means every day is very similar to the last. Ahhh….sleep like a baby.

The Con

Mind numbing routine is replaced by endless possibility and the excitement / fear this generates. Its certainly comforting to know I am no longer a corporate drone, but waking up every day at 3 or 4am is a classic sign of stress.

The Pro

Wearing what you want to work, instead of an uncomfortable suit or uniform that puts you in a depressed state of mind – like all those sad faces you used to see on the bus each morning.

The Con

Finding yourself still working in your undies when the doorbell rings at 10am because you got ‘into the zone’ a little too early in your day.

These are just a few of the uppers and downers that jump to mind and I’m sure there are more!

Yours in wipes (and soon nappies),

Rich (& Leanne!)

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